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The title track benefits from a guest sax spot by Martin Kershaw, which makes it feel vaguely like a Blue Note session from an alternate world, while spots like “Let’s Go” bounce from simple folk patterns to easy-shuffling lounge jam and back again. Series mixes some familiar and even sometimes old-timey jazz elements alongside his vaguely spacy modern fusion, making a mix suitable for casual cocktails, either here on Earth or somewhere out in space. AllaboutJazzUSA
It’s Series’ compositions which give them the basis on which to perform. Disturbed Nature has some lovely tunes. Let Go has a medium paced shuffle that let’s the musicians stretch out a bit – Lindsay sounds particularly fine. Open Up, another medium paced tune, features a solo by Series which gently glides over some piano lines from Rees which could out of Bach; Rees’ own solo treads a delicate path through the tune. Londonjazznews